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Do I take CBD as a Pre-workout or Post-workout?

Armin Barbei
July 10, 2022

Many consumers believe that CBD is only for relaxation, and anxiety, which is true but CBD does a lot more! CBD is an ally to athletes, helping them push harder during workouts and recover quicker after meeting their goals. Consuming CBD is effective both before and after workouts. Before your workout, it can help to boost your energy and relax your muscles. Afterward, it can help soothe post-exercise inflammation.

Many athletes use CBD topicals to target specific areas that experience soreness after a long workout.CBD is often used to help reduce muscular tension and support healthy blood flow . When one muscle is exhausted or sore, the others around it can stiffen up, acting like a protective shield. However, the overall stiffness can reduce your mobility and even lead to injury. CBD can help your whole body relax and recover.Pain-relief topicals can also become an important part of your pre-workout routine.

Some people drink coffee before a workout to get revved up. However, there are potential drawbacks like dehydration and a post-caffeine crash! In contrast, a CBD dietary supplement can support your body holistically, leading to increased energy throughout the day.

Stop by Pars Market today! we have a great selection of CBD tinctures, CBD gummies, CBD vapes and more! 

Note: Must be 21 or older to purchase this product

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