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Top Hookah Mistakes!!

Armin Barbei
March 6, 2022

When it comes to hookah smoking, we all learn from each other. This is only natural due to the social context of this cultural tradition. Different smokers have different preferences or advice on how to prepare a hookah, and while for the most part there isn’t one best practice, there are certainly some common mistakes that get passed along.

Mistake 1: Carrying the Hookah by the steam. ALWAYS carry by the vase! The water is heavier than you might think and for a majority of pipes, the only thing keeping the pipe and base connected is a rubber grommet. The last thing you want is a packed bowl with coals on top ready to go…and no base!

Mistake 2: Bigger hookah will equal bigger clouds the way you pack your bowl and how you heat manage is going to give you those large fluffy clouds. It’s not down to the size of your pipe. You are capable of achieving the same cloud output from a smaller pipe.

Mistake 3: Using milk : Some may feel like like with milk it is bigger and thicker clouds because of the fat content and density of milk but that doesn’t mean thicker clouds. Using milk, you’re asking for issues with your pipe. Mold, bacteria, and just overall nastiness that doesn’t belong in your hookah. If you try it, clean everything thoroughly.

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