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What is an Ash Catcher and what does it do?

Armin Barbei
December 5, 2022

The ash catcher is an adapter that functions by filtering the smoke and reducing the amount of tar that enters the main chamber of the water pipe. An ash catcher purpose is to prevent debris from ending up in your water. A glass ash catcher is ideal as its transparency allows you to see exactly what is being kept out of the water. Ash catchers for bongs come in many different sizes, styles, and colors from which to choose.

Ash Catcher for sale in Columbia, MD 21045
At Pars Market we have Ash Catchers to fit every waterpipe! 

Ash catcher is simple to use. The ash catcher bowl goes on top and slides directly into the ash catcher. You will light up the weed in your bowl as usual, knowing that the ash catcher will keep everything clean and neat. You can put water into an ash catcher, but you won't want to put in too much because you don't want dirty water flowing back into your pipe. Too much water can also cause a splashback effect. A good rule of thumb is to keep the waterline below your downstem for an optimal experience.

You may ask are ash catchers worth it? Sort answer is yes, Ash catchers keep your bong clean for a much longer period of time than if you didn't use one. Also, ash catchers are known for being easier to clean than bongs, which saves time in the long run.

Ash Catchers are very easy to clean, and can be removed for cleaning and easily reattached. To clean your ash catcher, pour in 90% isopropyl alcohol and coarse salt. Shake well before dumping the alcohol out and rinsing with warm water. If the ash catcher is especially dirty, you'll want to let it soak in the alcohol and salt solution for 24 hours before rinsing and reusing.

Stop by Pars Market today we have a wide selection of Ash Catchers! 

Note: Must be 21 or older to purchase this product

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